Archive for 2012

Holiday Designing! :)

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Quick little email evite designs. 

My sis had a party with a cool DIY bar! She had bowls of mint, fresh fruit, fruit juices and different types of liquor. This was a real life one hour design challenge! We had to get these printed, quick! I designed these recipe sort of cards for different drinks for the guests to put together their own drinks.

I will polish these, probably add a few more drinks, and make a poster for my portfolio! 

Coming soon.. I'm working a on vector self portrait. 


Portfolio Sites

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Many people are looking at getting their portfolio site set up over the break. 

Here's some cool sites I've found:

Carbon Made

It's free but the free version is limited, if you want to pay it's not too expensive. Minimal customization. 

Cargo Collective

A few people in the class have this, it's by invitation only - or you can request to join. 
If you're interested in this site, ask around in the Junior class and someone can invite you. 

Personally for my page (
I used blogger. Blogger doesn't have very many options, but I found this cool layout and it's the most affordable option right now. ($10/year includes domain name and hosting)
If you're interested in getting set up with blogger, I can help you. :)

A lof of people also use Wordpress (
With wordpress you have waaaaay more options as far as cool layouts. It comes at a price though, 
I can help you get set up with wordpress if you are interest. 

Anri uses Yola (
She designed a bunch of their templates and I'm sure she could help ya, get a nice one set up also. 
I'm not sure about the cost of Yola, but I know it's not as cheap as Blogger.

That's all the portfolio research I have right now! 
If you're interested in getting your portfolio over the break, get started! 
It's really nice seeing all your work together online, and a great way to start on your internship hunt! 
Let me know if you need any help :) 

Tiramisu Cook book

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For my last project for Advanced Typography, we have to design a page in a cook book. 
My recipe is a Tiramisu. This summer I studied abroad in Perugia, Italy for six weeks. During my those weeks I stayed with a host family. This recipe was taught to me and my roommate by our host mother, Rossana. We made this Tiramisu one wonderful sunny afternoon. 

Here's a few pictures of when we did it. 

May, 2012
Perugia, Italia

For my page design I have decided to focus on textures, 
since the process of making Tiramisu is so rich in textures. 

I made Tiramisu and took photographs of the textures created in the process.



Beaten eggs

Beaten eggs part two

beaten eggs part three


Egg white

Egg Yolk

Egg Yolk Mix

Drenched Lady fingers

Lady Fingers




Final product

I LOVE it when people use their creative talents to help others.

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“The concept was to make ‘fashionesque images’ of the longest in residence at the dog pound near my home (some dogs had been there over six months). I specifically asked for the dogs that were the ‘least likely to be adopted’ and took their portraits to represent them with personality, youth and ‘edge’ in order to aid their adoption. All the dogs pictured here were adopted.”

 Photographer : LaNola Stone

Photographer : LaNola Stone