Archive for December 2012

Holiday Designing! :)

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Quick little email evite designs. 

My sis had a party with a cool DIY bar! She had bowls of mint, fresh fruit, fruit juices and different types of liquor. This was a real life one hour design challenge! We had to get these printed, quick! I designed these recipe sort of cards for different drinks for the guests to put together their own drinks.

I will polish these, probably add a few more drinks, and make a poster for my portfolio! 

Coming soon.. I'm working a on vector self portrait. 


Portfolio Sites

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Many people are looking at getting their portfolio site set up over the break. 

Here's some cool sites I've found:

Carbon Made

It's free but the free version is limited, if you want to pay it's not too expensive. Minimal customization. 

Cargo Collective

A few people in the class have this, it's by invitation only - or you can request to join. 
If you're interested in this site, ask around in the Junior class and someone can invite you. 

Personally for my page (
I used blogger. Blogger doesn't have very many options, but I found this cool layout and it's the most affordable option right now. ($10/year includes domain name and hosting)
If you're interested in getting set up with blogger, I can help you. :)

A lof of people also use Wordpress (
With wordpress you have waaaaay more options as far as cool layouts. It comes at a price though, 
I can help you get set up with wordpress if you are interest. 

Anri uses Yola (
She designed a bunch of their templates and I'm sure she could help ya, get a nice one set up also. 
I'm not sure about the cost of Yola, but I know it's not as cheap as Blogger.

That's all the portfolio research I have right now! 
If you're interested in getting your portfolio over the break, get started! 
It's really nice seeing all your work together online, and a great way to start on your internship hunt! 
Let me know if you need any help :)