Inspiration (Blog assignment week 4)

"Everything in life comes to you as a teacher. 
Pay attention. Learn Quickly."
- Cherokee Saying

I think we live in a world where people are lazy and don't like to read. This use this as an excuse to remain uneducated. I think, it's my job as a visual artist to educate people different causes.

I love the girl effect video, it's engaging, informative, and a definite call to action.

I love this style of animation/motion graphics. I am not interested in making shows or movies, but I would love to learn to design the introduction or beginning credits of movies.

  I saw this on my Communication Arts magazine and I feel inlove with the concept. 

I encourage you all to check out the site 

 I love to see people that successfully use design to help other people. 

The idea is to help girls stay in school by buying them supplies.   

The design is beautiful, and I think it's really clever to ask for specific items for specific girls instead of just asking for generic donations. 

Here's some screen shots 

But, seriously - please check it out. The girls that you see pictured have moving videos in the site - it's really quite beautiful and sweet. 

The following posters were a campaign made by a family friend of ours Juan Miguel Marin
I find them very inspiring.

Mixed media, travel inspired, design that translates across cultures, organic, 
not corporate. 

Art with a political/social message 


This entry was posted on Saturday, September 15, 2012. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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