Archive for October 2013

Texting Campaign

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#1: Live your life

This concept is a girl getting ready to go out.  She is obsessed with her phone and documenting her every choice that day: shoes, outfit, starbucks, etc. Finally she gets in her car ready to go on her way, and as she's driving she tries to capture the sunset and crashes. 

Video style
- Short video clips that show her getting ready and end with an instagram photo freezing the moment
- Transitions are the instagram screen capturing her photo, then new scene starts 
- Last scene is her picture of the sunset with the sound of a car crash
- Words with tagline come up on the instagram

Need clever tagline
"Stop documenting your life and start living it" 
"It can wait"


#2: Pay Attention

In this concept the viewer is watching a girl doing different things. She is using her phone while doing different activities and the lack of focus causes her to mess up in different occasions.  

She is drinking and she spills her water because she wasn't paying attention. 
She is walking and she runs into a door because she is not paying attention. 
She is trying to turn on the television by using a cordless phone. 
Someone is talking to her and she is not paying attention, she's looking at her phone. 
Finally she gets in her car and swerves, once again she was not paying attention because she was on her phone. 

The text comes up "Pay Attention"

Video Style 
- Short clips that show her different screw ups 

Pay attention. 

Somewhat comical. Even though this girl does things that all of us do, this highlights how silly it is to have your attention split all the time.